The Hard Truth
Three Greatest Historical Downfall for Blacks
Slavery – Produced generations of slave mentality and taught blacks to hate each based on skin color or titles, such as the field negro vs the house negro.
Political Slavery – became prevalent in the 1960s under Lyndon B Johnson when his strategy was to provide blacks with access to voting, welfare, and various programs for the democrats to own blacks for another 200 years. He called it The Great Society, but The Great Trick might be a better name if you look at the condition of urban cores.
The Crack Cocaine Epidemic destroyed Black families with addiction, incarceration, death, and no trust for the addicted, leading to widespread homelessness.
Current downfalls for Black males
Black Males Abandoning Their Children
Political Slavery
Pacifying Women
The Black Church
Poverty Mindset
Entitlement Mindset
Broken Men
Lack of Discipline
Slave Mindset
Black Lead Organizations
Crab In The Bucket Mindset
Current Plan For Black Males
PTI Trade School aims to remove the dark cloud of hopelessness and barriers to success in many Black communities because the current success plan for Black males is critically flawed. They compete against neighborhoods of scarce resources due to years of redlining practices, violence resulting from no hope – no resources – little education, and long-established school-to-prison pipelines. Our youth have fallen victim to a system they struggle to overcome without the proper resources to make them aware of their value and abilities to achieve greatness and fulfill a purposeful life.
The current plan/policies, which have been in existence for the past thirty-five years, work in the following steps:
-Society introduces Black males to sports at an early age, and when sports fail to fulfill the dreams of wealth and fame and end the generations of hopelessness, it's either:
The Music Industry to the Hustle Game or The Hustle Game to the Music Industry.
-The Hustle Game produces few outcomes despite all of the environmental, emotional, and mental sacrifices, such as:
- Jail
- Death
- A hard life without true fulfillment and individual growth.
-If Black males are lucky enough to receive a small amount of jail time and return home versus being murdered in the streets, the consequences are:
- It is being labeled as a convicted felon, which causes the struggle to continue.
- Due to the continued struggle, they go back to step two, and the process has a higher rate of starting all over again.
- The results of the current plan/policies for Black males have a direct correlation to the following:
- Broken families
- Poverty-stricken communities
- Crime infested neighborhoods
- Environmental trauma
- Generations of hopelessness due to lack of access to education and resources
Team BMW’s New Plan For Black Males
Based on primary data, Pathways To Independence Trade School (P.T.I.) and its collaborative partners theorize that P.T.I. will effectively reach black communities and those with little trust in people, government, and themselves.
-Finally, the New Plan for black males is at an early age, introduce them to:
- Self-Efficacy
- Consequences
- Ownership
- Entrepreneurship
- Servanthood
- Agriculture
- Transferable Skills
- Faith
-The results of the new plan for black males will produce:
- Stronger Families
- Vibrant Community
- Safer Neighborhoods
- Healthy Minds
- Generations of Prosperity